1. I found it the other day in a snack pack chocolate pudding that I ate with a plastic fork. I thought to myself, "could life get any better than enjoying this simple pleasure?... I submit that it canNOT!"... until I discovered it can when I ate one with no utensil at all! Gosh, I really love those things, but they just don't last nearly long enough!
2. Then it hit me even harder when the Suns stuck it to the Trail Blazers the other night to win game 2 of the series. However, now they have to win on the road and I have to say I'm a little nervous about it.
3. And then, I truly found it when I was walking on campus yesterday and the trees were all a' bloom and the sun was shining its big fat warm rays down at me and I was sweating, actually sweating on my way to class! Wow! I love the warmth of the sun! I wish it could last forever!
4. Greater still was the magnificently joyous feeling I had when I finished my last final yesterday. The burdens of the semester were magically lifted and for the first time in 4 months of classes and seemingly endless assignments I felt like I could breath again. And the best part about it was that I ended on a very good high note by rocking that exam! BOO-YAH!
5. And even greater was the joy when I got a call from a potential employer this morning responding to my job application! And can I just say, I have sent in about a hundred resumes by email and no one ever even responds, which just goes to show you how excited I was when this particular lady called me. She was so nice and even said that they were all "extremely impressed" with my qualifications!!! This would be a perfect job and I seriously danced around the apartment, unable to contain my joy, for a good 20 minutes!
6. And as if my joy couldn't be any more full, all I have to do is think of this girl and I get all twitterpated. I'm overjoyed that she's my girl and I'm so proud of her for graduating. I love you Jen!
HelloooooooooOOOOOO Nurse!
7. Also, all the little things in life that bring daily joy, "like such as" hearing good news from a family member; watching a funny video or movie that makes you laugh harder than you have all day; listening to a beautifully written song; reading the Book of Mormon in the morning; receiving a compliment from a close friend; doing something that you've never done before and feeling so adventurous and creative as a result; hearing from your little brother who's serving a 2 year mission for the Church; eating something delicious; making somebody smile or laugh from something you did or said to make them feel better; and a million other things!
Point is, happiness is a choice, but occasionally you have those days when the choice is so easy to make!
Point is, happiness is a choice, but occasionally you have those days when the choice is so easy to make!