Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bye Bye Beardie

I grew out my beard this Christmas. I think I actually look decently alright with a beard... probably because the people around me are so nice and supportive about it.

And although I spend most of the rest of the 11 1/2 months of the year bare-faced, whenever I shave after a week or two of not, I think I look somehow different than "normal." I know it's just because I have become used to my face having hair on it, but still it gives me a bit of a shock when all of a sudden my face is NaKeD. Here is the progression of the shaving...





And this concludes the tragic tale of the death of my beard for another semester at BYU. I think with a mustache, I look like a British pilot from the 1800's or something. Or maybe even George Banks.

Anyway, may the beard rest in peace.


Jennifer said...

i miss the beard, yes. i. do.

Tim and Sara said...

Mooney! I was on facebook and your profile randomly came up, so I thought I would see on your profile what you're up to and then I found your blog. Congratulations on getting engaged! I'm very excited for you. My husband and I just had a baby girl 3 months ago. Check out our blog if you'd like and hope all is well!

Tim and Sara said...

BTW, does anyone call you Mooney anymore??

emily Stoddard said...

random thought: you should be where's waldo for halloween :)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!!!