Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Chapstick Phenomenon

Why is it that whenever you pull your chapstick out of your pocket it does this?....

It's a question I have had for a long time and no explanation I've heard to this point has satisfied me. But, here's what I got so far...

1. When it moves around in your pocket the wheel spins making it come out.

Rebuttal: if that's the case then, why doesn't it ever spin so that it goes IN instead of OUT?? It always seems to come out and never in!!

2. The wax melts when it's next to your warm skin so that it slides out of the tube.

Rebuttal: once again, why does it never slide IN?

Well, I guess I will never be fully satisfied until someone does a study on this natural phenomenon or conducts an experiment to discover the meaning behind it. Perhaps it's just that my chapstick has a mind of its own and it just wants to annoy me. I guess that's what I'll have to go with for now............

On a positive note, I lost my "annoying" chapstick about a week ago and thusly I've had to endure the pain of dry lips. However, just this morning I miraculously realized I hadn't worn a particular pair of jeans in about the same amount of time. Lo and behold, sure enough, my long-lost chapstick was in the pocket! I felt pretty smart. You may call me Sherlock Holmes if you wish. And I will say, it's only elementary.

......Sure glad I didn't wash those jeans!

1 comment:

Theresa Mooney said...

GP. Brother. GP. I found money in my jeans recently. Hooray for wearing dirty clothes :)