Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

You gotta check this out. Stars of the Harry Potter cast came to get a sneak peak at the Universal Orlando Resort of the new Harry Potter park! I'm so excited to go there in a month and totally binge on my nerdy craze!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Was that actually Neville? The whole time I was like, who is that tall gangly kid? OMGosh! It was Neville- with whiskers!!!

Can I just say, I'm so stinkin JEALOUS of you!! I also didn't realize you're going to be there a week after it opens! Wow. Nuts. And you get to have actual butterbeer. Words cannot describe how jealous I am. If you love me at all you'll sneak some back in a liquor flask. Or better yet, in a Mad Eye Moody flask! Ooh yes please.