Thursday, October 21, 2010

Annie Bananie, Fee-Fie-Foh-Fannie!

Sometimes you just realize how awesome your sister is. This is one of those times...

My sister, Angela Banangela Mooney, is one of the most genuinely decent people I know. And it just so happens that she is one of the people whom I know best. We seriously did everything together, from toilet papering our friends' houses to going to seminary everyday at 5:30 in the morning. We even did most of college together. She has been one of my seriously top best friends through the years.

However, we haven't always been allies. We used to be as competitive as brother and sister can be. For example, despite the fact that I'm a whole 2 years and 2.65 months older than her, she may or may not have been taller than me for about 2.65 years in the junior high era. I would then beat her at sports, just to prove my dominance. She would then kick my butt in summer reading because I would spend my time trying to get better at sports. I would then play tricks on her like get her to drink the rest of my Sprite, which actually had milk in it. She then would snobbishly try to get grown-ups to guess which of us was older (I hated family pictures for that reason - I resented having to stand on the box). We even made it a contest who would lost all their baby teeth first and she lost a bunch of her teeth and was ahead of me for some time. I then made a come-back and pulled a few of my own just to beat her.

Then, a year ago, she had to be a big smarty-pants and finish her masters degree 2 years before me. And to add insult to injury, she had to move home to Arizona. And that was the first time in my college career that I didn't have my Annie at least just a couple blocks away. It's like they say, you don't know what you got till it's gone.

Love you sister. Miss you. Miss hanging out. Miss you cooking dinner and me coming over to eat it. And in return, I would let you enjoy my company. I would also let you murder me in speed scrabble... I'm such a nice brother, I know. I miss playing soccer with you and trying to one-up you. Sometimes you would nutmeg me because I was being nice and let you make me look foolish... See? I've gotten so much mature'er in my older years.

I realize now what I then had: a phenomenal sister who is so nice, so fun-loving, and such a good listener. I'm just glad you're my sister and I'll love you forever.


This guy

We're probably trying to see who could make the silliest face. And of course I'm better at it!

Happy Birthday Annie


Sterling said...

You really do have such a fun family Daniel! I remember when Annie came over to our apartment and made fresh-baked cinnamon rolls... and then I discovered how magical the summertime is for making yeast-based baked goods. I blame her for that summer-long addiction :)

Kate said...

You are a wonderful brother, Sir Daniel.