Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reflections of a Recovering Arsenist

I can't help but notice.
It's happened too frequently of late to ignore.
My food deserves better treatment...

I usually take pride in my food preparation skills. My pancakes are always perfectly golden. My grilled cheeses turn out just right. But twice now in the last two weeks have I done something that I NEVER do... I burned my food! And when I say "burned," I don't mean a little crispy around the edges. I mean UNFIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION! I mean by the time I'm done with it, the food looks like something you put on the BOTTOM of a grill that actually COOKS the food!

Really, they're just two isolated experiences. The first being when I was making a grilled cheese and since our stove takes forever to heat up, I walked away from it for a bit to do something else and completely forgot about it. When I came back downstairs, smoke was billowing from the stove and the one side of the sandwich was completely black! But, don't worry I still used the other half and made a "half" grilled cheese! The second was the other night when I was lazy and had a few taquitos left over so I put them in the oven to heat up. I was supposed to bake 'em for 9 minutes but by the time I got back it had been a good 45 or 50! They were rock hard all the way through. Not even the middle was edible!

Okay, so the moral of the story I think is I need to vow not to leave my food unmonitored, or just make food that actually requires my complete attention so I don't walk away. Either way, I am penitent and ready to start anew!

Ready or not, here I come Dinner Group!!!

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