Sunday, September 13, 2009


Sometimes I think I'm taking a short cut by walking through the BYU Bookstore to get to the Wilkinson Center. Although it may be a shorter distance than walking around to the front entrance, don't be deceived! It's a LIE! I hate it when I forget this and I seem to forget it rather often! Skinny hallways and a ridiculous throng of people equals a recipe for frustration.

If you're like this California driver and don't like being stuck in traffic, take my advise: just go around to the West side of the building. Save yourself a multitude of nasty thoughts for ignorant and hecka-slow people who decided they'd just mosey along for a delightful stroll through the aisles of the bookstore. You're much better off. Trust me.

Thank you for letting me vent. And if you know of any other campus time-savers that are good to know, please feel free to vent back. I'm done now.

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