Thursday, March 4, 2010

March Fourth!

Today's date is actually a sentence:

March forth!

Pretty cool huh! My friend, Kent Nelson, pointed that out to me.

I feel moved by that directive and I'm going to take some inspirational thoughts out of it. Here goes... Whatever happens in life that has potential to hinder your progress, just march forth. Whatever someone might do to try to bring you down, just march forth. If you fail a test; if you feel rejected; if your best ideas aren't as brilliant as you thought; if your best efforts seem to fall short... just march forth. Just remember, life doesn't reward the poor soul just for being poor when he or she stops trying. You have to keep going. Keep trying. Keep fighting.........

March forth.

P.S. I have included some inspirational music for while you read this inspirational thought. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Although I prefer to stalk blogs anonymously, I figured you would also be interested in knowing that 5/4 is Star Wars day...
"May the fourth be with you".

Oh and that's one of my favorite coldplay songs.