Monday, November 2, 2009

I Like Argyle!

I'm going to start this post off by talking about Christmas shopping for my dad (I promise it'll all make sense in the end; please just keep reading)... My dad is the most difficult person to shop for because he never really needs anything - if he wants something, he usually just gets it himself.

So as a kid I always wondered what to get Dad for Christmas and the only thing I ever remember my mom suggesting was new socks. One year, after getting socks for him, I wondered if my dad ever tired of receiving these things. I know I would! I'd have been awfully disappointed if that's what I got! I hated receiving clothes as presents in general, especially something as boring as SOCKS! I would have much rather Santa, or whoever was shopping for me that year, use that precious present-giving-effort on toys or something much more fun! Although, when Dad opened my poorly-wrapped package that Christmas morning, not only was he not disappointed, but he looked
pleased to see them... PLEASED!

It wasn't until years later that I started to appreciated receiving new clothes as gifts for Christmas and birthdays. I love clothes. I do. And yes, I even love socks. In fact, I have developed a love for socks that have the most unique patterns possible. One such pattern is argyle.

I love argyle. I really do! I think it may have something to do with my Irish/Scottish/English/White heritage. We white people really don't have much to take pride in, fashion-wise... we don't have fubu, do-rags, or other cool things like Afro's or high-tops with no-show socks and a rolled-up pant leg (okay, I confess I would have loved to have been born black). Nor do we have sombreros, legal fireworks, or Shakira! (basically, I just wouldn't have minded being born with dark skin!). What we
DO have is newsies hats (which, until lately, I didn't think I could rock, but I'm very glad they're coming back, as well as other hats in general!), bow ties, sweaters and vests, slim jeans, and cool socks! Not much, but I have decided to embrace what I can in regards to white-boy fashion, and one of those things is socks. Argyle socks.

And it is with that preface that I introduce my new argyle blog background as well as my new blog title: "
In My Mind's Eye" (which is a phrase coined by William Shakespeare, a very cool white dude!). Please enjoy the ensuing blog posts and taking a look "in my mind's eye."




Ashley Arnold said...

Love argyle. I decided a year ago that I would never, ever again, wear a pair of plain old white socks. It has been argyle and color ever since. A toast to argyle!

Theresa Mooney said...

You are silly and I love you. Keep smiling. Maybe you will get new cltohes for Christmas; in fact, I would put money on it because that's just what our family does.