Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wash Your Hands!

Of all the Low-Life's of this world (and this world can be a pretty ugly place) there are few, in my book, who fall below the guy who doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom. Actually, worse yet is the guy who doesn't lift the toilet seat in the stall to do a "number one" and goes ALL OVER THE SEAT! But, this post is not about him..... ggggrrrrrrhhhhhhh! But, oh how I would love to smash the face of every guy who does that on the soiled toilet seat!

Today I witnessed a disgusting thing. I saw a professor (he's not civil engineering, but probably some sort of enginerd because this happened in the Clyde Building) do a number one, proceed to turn around and face the mirror to run his hand through his hair, and then totally bypass the faucet!

Now, I'm okay with choosing to use the hand sanitizer instead of the slightly more cumbersome soap and water option. However, Professor G (short for "Grossgusting") didn't even use that. I was appalled and my faith in humanity took a hit. A PROFESSOR! Someone who interacts with dozens of students and faculty on a daily basis... and someone with a doctorate degree no less... should be educated enough to know better than that!

We live in AMERICA people. Not the JUNGLE! We live in a place with the best opportunities for a sanitary lifestyle in the world. And yet, there still seems to be those first-class idiots who decide to take all of that for granted and ignore the health and safety of themselves and others. It blows my mind.

So please, just remember that Mother's counsel still applies when you're 55 and teaching college:

Always Wash Your Hands!


Addie Joyce said...

Oh sick! This is one of my all time pet peeves. I honestly don't know how to react when I see someone NOT wash their hands, I feel like I should get on an intercom and alert the public! Thanks for this post!

Theresa Mooney said...

On EVERY SINGLE exam I EVER had in nursing school was the following question: What is the number one way to prevent infection?

A. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze.
B. Wash your hands.
C. Change your gloves after every patient.
D. Showering every day.

Answer: B.